Monday, December 30, 2013

Cold batteries, weak performance

So far 1400km of driving with electricity has been fun and easy! This winter has been quite warm and the lowest temperature has been -10C while driving. On that temperature the battery performance is weakened remarkably. Their internal resistance is increased lowering power output and efficiency. I assumed that the batteries would heat up internally to a more efficient working temperature level but this has not seemed to happen. For that reason I decided to try to decrease the batteries cooling by blocking the airflow through the battery pack. The pictures above show how the airflow was blocked through the front mask of the car. Also the original motor covers were installed below the batteries which guide the airflow away from the batteries.

I do not yet know if this modification helps to increase the battery pack working temperature as I still do not have temperature sensors  equipped. Also the winter got warmer so I'll have to wait for more cold driving experiences.

A combined ampere-hour / temperature meter is under development using an Arduino and DS18B20 temperature sensors. After all needed components have arrived I am optimistic to get them installed soon as we got a flying start with the application thanks to my brother's Arduino experience!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Corollaefx perfomance specifications

Here is a list of the car's performance specifications learned so far:

Rated motor power: 11,5kW
Weight: 940kg
Nominal traction battery capacity: 4,6 kWh (76,8V 60Ah)
Top speed: 84km/h reached at 5th gear
Operating range: 37km reached at 0 celsius temperature, driver and one passenger, 50km/h average speed.
Energy consumption: ~ 19kWh/100km measured using a energy meter on the charger supply cable.

Preparing for winter

The Corolla has been very reliable for the 850km that I have driven so far. During this time I have not had to use my gasoline powered car at all so I took it off from street use. The trips outside corolla's range can still be made by my wife's diesel car, so no problem there.

I'll try to use the corolla on my everyday driving through the whole winter. It will not be easy though. So far -7 degrees celcius is the lowest temperature that the car has faced and that time it survived from work to home. The low temperature increases friction due to gearbox oil which had a remarkable effect on driving. To minimize that effect I searched for the lowest viscosity oil at cold temperatures from local shops filling API-GL4 requirements. After a careful search I decided to use Redline D4 ATF oil that can be used in both automatic and manual gearboxes. After the oil change a good improvement could be noticed at below freezing temperatures while no difference could be noticed on warmer days. I do not know which oil the corolla had before, but most likely it was mineral oil that gets very stiff on cold days.

As the temperature drops so does lifepo4 battery performance as well. The unloaded cell voltage is not affected much, but the internal resistance of the cells is increasing remarkably as temperature decreases. The battery pack is so well cooled in its current location that I am thinking of insulating the battery pack thermally so that their internal losses would increase the cells temperature hopfully to a better working level. Otherwise I am expecting the PCM to shut down the operation at around -20 degree celsius due to too low cell voltage on a long uphill where 200-300 amps are drawn from the batteries for quite a long time.

Despite the very cold driving experience I very much enjoy driving the corollaefx. The 300W windshield heater has been great to keep the windows clear but it definitely does not warm the cabin!