I decided to build a similar battery pack into Corolla's trunk as there is under its hood. Due to a temporary www.ev-power.eu stock shortage 24pcs of Winston LYP60AHA were ordered in a format of 6pcs LP12V60AH.
The LP12V60AH contains 4 LYP60AHA batteries, and as I want to have access into each cell I need to dismantle the LP12V60AH pack's. It sure felt weird to start cracking open these brand new finely packed 12V batteries! The picture shows all of the tools I used to open the case.
Here is a picture of the LP12V60AH with its cover removed. I think its a quite nice assembly:
To compensate the weight of the battery pack to be installed, I removed the gas tank (13kg) and spare wheel (14kg). This way the Corolla will gain about 30kg weight after the new battery pack is installed, but it will still weight about 20kg less than original.