So far 1400km of driving with electricity has been fun and easy! This winter has been quite warm and the lowest temperature has been -10C while driving. On that temperature the battery performance is weakened remarkably. Their internal resistance is increased lowering power output and efficiency. I assumed that the batteries would heat up internally to a more efficient working temperature level but this has not seemed to happen. For that reason I decided to try to decrease the batteries cooling by blocking the airflow through the battery pack. The pictures above show how the airflow was blocked through the front mask of the car. Also the original motor covers were installed below the batteries which guide the airflow away from the batteries.
I do not yet know if this modification helps to increase the battery pack working temperature as I still do not have temperature sensors equipped. Also the winter got warmer so I'll have to wait for more cold driving experiences.
A combined ampere-hour / temperature meter is under development using an Arduino and DS18B20 temperature sensors. After all needed components have arrived I am optimistic to get them installed soon as we got a flying start with the application thanks to my brother's Arduino experience!