Saturday, November 2, 2013

First electric driven day at work

As the corolla is not highway capable, I drove my 18 km trip to work through smaller roads. The speed limits on the way were between 40-60 km/h which the corolla handles nicely. Only the 2nd and 3rd gears are needed in normal driving. 2nd gear works well on 0-40 km/h and third gear gives a speed up to 65 km/h.

I found four workmates to join me for lunch and we drove there all five of us packed into the corolla. The car's low power was easily noticeable for the driver as full throttle was often needed for a normal acceleration. It was fun though!!

I am not yet sure if the corolla would make it back home without charging. Until it is sure I'll charge the batteries a bit to make it safely at home for a full charge.

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