Friday, April 6, 2018

Corolla eFX is back on duty!

It was an exiting drive into the inspection as I had only test driven the car on our yard. I was more than happy to drive with the car's new electric drivetrain, it worked just like planned! It has only a few kW more peak power available than with the burnt ME1003 motor but the full 26kW is now available with much wider RPM range making driving very pleasant. There's just no need to shift the gears:)

The first drives were very careful as I kept a close eye on how the component temperatures behaved. It was a 0C day and the SR250V500A-V2's IGBT-module temperature sensor peaked at 51C, which is just above where I've set the controller's cooling fan to start. The K9HV motor's highest temperatures remained at 30C max. The temperature rise seem to be quite well under control.

The yearly inspection went well without any notices and now the car will face all my daily driving needs again after resting for about 10 months, hope it works this well for years to come:)

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